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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Newbie :)

Hello everyone,

So this is officially my first time to ever do anything like this. My cousins convinced me to start a blog because I enjoy writing about stuff and thought I needed to share it with the world ha, and I will going to Wales in about a month and can share all my adventures I have over there with everyone from home.

I haven't quite figured this whole thing out yet so if any of you guys who do have blogs have any pointers then that would be just great :). As for my first post I am just going to put something that I wrote a while ago that my cousin Sage really liked and I hope all of you guys do as well.


I have lied.
I have lashed out in anger.
I have hit.
I have hurt the people I care about.
I have disobeyed.
I have dishonored my parents.
I have had ungodly thoughts.
I have doubted.
I have made mistakes.
I have even made the same mistake over and over again.
I am selfish.
I am not perfect, nor will I ever be.
I am a SINNER!
That is what makes me Human.

I have been lied to.
I have been betrayed.
I have been hit.
I have been hated.
I have been hurt by my friends and family.
That is why I am afraid.
That is why it is hard for me to trust.

I have been forgiven.
I have forgave.
I have loved.
I have been loved.
I have been trusted.
I have trusted.
I have let many down.
I have been let down.
We are Human; love, pain, happiness, and sadness are apart of our lives.

I have failed.
...but kept trying
I have fallen.
...but been picked up
I have been lost.
...but I have been found
I have doubted
...but I believe
I have been condemned
...but I have been SAVED!

You have never lied.
You never lashed out in anger.
You have never hit.
You have never dishonored.
You have never disobeyed.
You have never hated.
You have never made a mistake.
You have never doubted.
You have never sinned.

You forgive.
You love.
You believe.
You are selfless.
You are worthy.
You are pure.
You are Jesus Christ, the Son of God, perfect and holy.

You forgave me.
You picked me up.
You believed in me.
You found me.
You trusted me.
You saved me.
You gave me hope.
You are the REASON I found myself.
You have never let me down.
You have never left me.
You have brought me home.
You are my light, leading my pathway.

Without you I would still be lost.
I would be alone in the dark.
I owe everything to you.
You are the reason I am not afraid.
You are the reason I have hope.
You are the reason I have joy.
You make my life worth something.
You sacrificed your own life for mine.
How can I repay you?
I am Human, an impure, imperfect, specimen.
Only through you can I reach perfection.
Thank you for never leaving me.
Thank you for sacrificing your life for mine.
I did not deserve it, but you did it anyways.
You are the reason it is possible for me to live in eternity.
A simple thank you does not seem adequate.
My sins have been washed away.
Your love is the greatest of all.
Although your body was sacrificed, you were not.
You live in me.

Your greatness lives on.
I am only a vessel.
Used to show the world of your greatness.
Your love.
Your selflessness.
You kindness.
Your forgiveness.

Direct me Oh Lord.
I am your vessel, waiting to be launched.
Waiting to make a difference in the world.
Ready to be a light in the darkness.
Ready to show a stranger your kindness.
Ready to love he who is hated.
Ready to find someone who is lost.
I am your servant.
Command me and I will follow!
