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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Little Past Due

I would say that it is definitely time for an update on here!
I know there are not a whole lot of people who follow me on this but for those of you who do I am sorry that I have been so bad at keeping this up to date.

So let me begin by saying that this semester has been one of the most HECTIC semesters EVER!! My goodness...! My classes are going well though, so far atleast :) I am taking a few classes that are defintely pushing my brain to learn, and in all honesty I am finding myself to where I am lacking the motivation and heart to do my work. I have been helping several people here at school with their math and some other subjects and for some reason I like helping them and do not mind helping with their homework but when it comes to me doing my own homework I just have no motivation to do it. Despite this, I am still getting it done! Praise the Lord I am not completely sucked dry of motivation.
Along with my classes there is softball! Oh you got to love College Sports...I hope you can sense a little sarcasm in that statement haha. Softball for me is definetly a LOVE/HATE relationship! There are some days where I love it, and other days I just want to quit. With the Langston Softball team there is always something happening. There are times when I think that nothing else could go wrong and then the next day something else happens...but at the same time because of all the obstacles that happen to us, the players have come together and really become a family this year. My thought on it all is this...
Softball is like life in a lot of ways...the more curve balls a pitcher throws at you, the better you get at driving that pitch oppo. (In softball language that is hitting it to right field :) )...in the same way the more obstacles you face in life the stronger and more mature you get.

So we have had our issues but we are learning and growing together. We have been doing really well this season and I am excited to see how the rest of season plays out! Right now our record is 10-9, and we are going on the road this weekend and playing three different schools, Southwest Assemblies of God (they are a conference team), Texas Southern, and Prairrie View.

With school and softball I don't have a whole lot of free time...but this semester I added another task. Why?...I have no clue haha. I will explain my thinking in a moment. I added on Tutoring for the school. The reason I did was because I get paid and I thought that the extra money would be nice so that I could use that to help with groceries and gas, and I like to help people and the school doesn't have very many kids who tutor in math and sciences. Had I known I would  be this busy I would NOT have signed up. Although tutoring takes up pretty much all of my free hours in the day and then after practice, I have found myself really enjoying being able to help the kids. I love the kids I tutor and it makes me so happy when they come to me and show me that they made an A on a math test :) Makes me think that maybe I should be a TEACHER :) haha.

Anyways, that is about it with my life. I do not have much free time to do much else and am really just trying to stay focused and get through this semester.

A Little more Updates:
JARROD is doing great and only has a little more than a month left until he is done with the program! I am so proud of him and praise the Lord everyday for helping with him.
David and Macy both competed in the National Homeschool Basketball Tournament and both their teams won the Gold Ball Championship !! WOOT WOOT, and a special shout out to Macy for getting MVP on her team! I am so proud of both of them and love being able to boast a little about them :) Lauren is busy as ever at UCO and I get to see her on occasion! Both my parents are doing well! I thank the Lord everyday for giving me the energy to wake up and conquer that day! Phil. 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Focusing on the road ahead!

Hello, I know its been a while since my last update. Things have been extremely hectic for me but good news, the first week of school and practice is over with... YAY!!!

I'm so glad its over!

I really don't even know what exactly to say on here. I've been just a little blah lately... Or rather a lot blah! When life seems to not be going the way I want, I tend to focus on the negatives which makes the whole week seem like it was just not a great week at all, but I really want to focus on the good parts of the week so in helping me do that I want to just list a few!

My blessings:

-I have an amazing family who supports me and is always there for me.

-I have the most amazing friends who help me through all kinds of crap :)

- I am attending a university and have everything paid for.

- I get to play softball with an amazing group of girls... Go Langston Lions :)

- I have at least one friend in each of my classes.

- I'm ALIVE!!!

- and most importantly I have the Lord my Savior and his love is greater than EVERYTHING!!

Another plus that I didn't list is that I learn a lesson in every trial I face in life! I've been learning a lot lately and I have a feeling that the next few months are probably going to be the HARDEST months! I know God works everything out for the GOOD of those who trust him, but not going to lie I find it so incredibly hard to focus on how this is a good plan! Throughout the day I try and keep my mind occupied with other things, hang with friends, really anything that will distract me from facing the hurting and pain, and as I sit here tonight I realized I spent the day trying to figure out ways to keep me occupied that I missed the easiest, and best way, trusting and turning to the ONLY ONE who knows what's best for me. Did you catch that last part? Let me restate that... WHAT IS BEST FOR ME! I know nothing... And therefore I have no clue what is best for me in the long run and therefore need to look at the situation through the goggles of the BIG PICTURE!

It's so easy for me to just shut the door, its what I want to do right now more than anything is just shut the door, delete, and punch a wall, scream, cry, and do everything again. I've done all that before, the last time I felt this broken, I shut the door and turned to everything except the one I should have turned to, the one who knows my path! I learned a lesson last time, that my strength comes from God!

Proverbs 31:25 says

She is clothed with strength and dignity;

she can laugh at the days to come.

Although my heart is aching more than ever, I know that I am clothed with strength from the mightiest of mighty and that He knows what's BEST for me!

I want to encourage everyone who strugglings with the same thing I do, don't take the easy way out and react with anger and bitterness, no matter how hurt you are, take the harder road and forgive and trust God. We all broke his heart, and continue to break his heart everyday, but he forgives and loves us still. He is amazing! So forgive, and love, and when you feel weak just take a minute and pray! 

And no matter how tough things are, there are always positive blessings ln life to be thankful for :)


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Saturday, January 7, 2012

HOME!! ...for a little while atleast!

Let me just start off by saying that it has felt so GREAT to just be at home and not have anything to do! PSSH who am I kidding, nothing to do? I had lots to do I just wasn't swarmed with going from one place to another ha! I spent this week doing random odds and ends that I needed to take care of preparing for school and softball in the next couple of weeks!
So I unpacked...FINALLY!! Man that felt good! One of my Best Friends Kaylee came over and we went through my room and bathroom and completely picked up and organized because my idea of unpacking was just emptying everything out of the suitcase and onto the floor of my room :)! So we got all that taken care of!
Other than that I just have had the time to go to lunch and grab some coffee with a few friends and cousins, which has really been great to catch up with everything!
The main reason for this blog was the share a couple new deserts that I tried this week that I got off of pinterest!
The first one was this cookie inception, basically a chocolate chip cookie cookie with an Oreo inside :) yummy!  here is a link to the recipe http://worldofwonder.net/2011/03/24/Inception_cookie/
I of course had to document the making of these cookies so here are so some pictures! :)

Kaylee was on pinterest....I got her hooked on it. She is now worse than I am lol!

The second recipe was for Strawberry Lemonade Bars!!! I just love lemon bars and when I saw these with strawberry in them I just HAD to try it out :) And these were a success!!! I liked these a lot more than the cookies! http://www.kandktestkitchen.com/2011/06/strawberry-lemonade-bars.html
Unless people were lying to me these were good... and my personal opinion was that if you like strawberry and lemon then they are a HIT!! :)

I have been packing and getting ready to move back up to Langston. We start two a days on Monday, boy oh boy! School starts back up on Jan. 18th. I must say though I am ready for it all to start. I am not really ready in that I am "looking forward" or "excited" for it to start, I am more just ready so that I can get another semester over with! I have really found myself with little motivation to finish school out :/ Its horrible and driving me crazy because I still just don't feel 100% sure on what exactly I want to do in life! But I shall push on!! So I figure the sooner it starts the sooner it will end :) ha

Today I spent the morning cleaning the house with my mom and the afternoon packing up stuff for tomorrow, and so it was great to have some friends come over and hang out and watch a movie with my brother and sisters! And tomorrow is MOVING DAY!! Gosh I can't believe how fast time goes bye! :)

Till Next time

Sunday, January 1, 2012

What A Year!!

It has been 15 days since I got home from one of the most AMAZING three months of my life! It also just happens to be the very last day of 2011?? How in the world is 2011 almost over? I can't believe it! Time has just gone by so fast.
I have been struggling with how exactly to recap my trip... I just don't even know where to begin! It almost has felt like a dream...did I really just spend three months traveling around the United Kingdom and Europe? It doesn't feel like it was even three months, nor does it seem like a whole year has gone by. I remember last year at this time I was closing up at Jersey Mikes in time for a New Years Eve party at a friends house... and now I am sitting on the couch in the living room of my Grandparent's house in Dallas, Texas.
Since I have been "home", I have hardly been truly home! In fact my room looks like a tornado went through it because I have gotten into this routine of packing and then dumping out my suitcase, aka...unpacking...and then packing again and so on and so on!

Macy and I on our "Dinner Date!" :)
My family left December 22 to drive to Georgia to spend Christmas with my brother! I will honestly admit that when I was first told we were not going to be spending Christmas at home this year and instead spending it in a hotel room, I was NOT very happy! What about all our normal traditions? The past 20 years I have done the exact same thing year after year and its just always been great... But I wouldn't have traded this Christmas for any other! In fact I think that this Christmas might be on the list for one of the BEST ever!
FAMILY! That is what made this Christmas so great! For the first time in 6 months we were able to spend time with my brother Jarrod! Many of you won't understand just how important that was for all of us. As compared to last year where my brother was going through some really difficult times struggling with drugs, he did not want much to do with our family, and Christmas day just was not exactly "Merry." But he decided to go to a program in Georgia called Three Dimensional Life and has been there since the end of June. So for the first time since then we all got to see him. And for the first time in many years I got to HEAR him tell us all that he Loved us, and I got to see the Miraculous work of God that He has done in his life. He seems like a completely different guy than he was a year ago and words can not explain the feelings of thankfulness and joy that we all have! We got to spend 2 and a half days together. Went to Stone mountain in Atlanta, and then just spent time hanging out and talking!

The ENTIRE Family at stone mountain :)...well except for Kara!

On top of Stone Mountain!
Lauren and I :)

The #1 highlight of my entire year were these two days that we got to spend with him, just talking with him, laughing with him, seeing him smiling and HAPPY! Getting to see my dad and him get a long better than I have EVER seen before! Jarrod still have about 5 months left of his program and is still in our prayers but I have never been so PROUD of anyone else before! PRAISE THE LORD!

Jarrod and I :)
Christmas day was also great because I got to fly to Florida and spend the rest of the day with one of the most AMAZING families, that has truly been such a blessing to me this past year. The Morris Family! :)! I had never been to Florida before and it is just beautiful and I definitely want to go back there again someday! I got to meet lots of new people... the Snyder Family, and spend much needed time with my Boyfriend Elijah and his family! It was great! :)

Palm Trees :)


Florida Sunset...so Beautiful!! :)

This Picture is the Genius Creativity of Micah Morris :)
I got home from Florida, Thursday night, and left for Dallas, Texas Friday morning with most of my family.. David stayed behind because he had basketball! It has been nice to spend some time with my grandparents down here but I am ready to be HOME!!!

Oklahoma Sunset! :) On the way home from Florida!

So that brings me to where I am right now... sitting its 10:07 p.m. and I am just thinking about this past year and thanking the Lord for all the blessings that he has placed in my life!
There has been many things that I could say weren't exactly good or happy, many things that just darn right stunk, but at the same time there were things that are just beyond words amazing! Isn't that the way life is though.. it has its ups and its downs!
There is a song that has been such an encouragement to me throughout this year it is called "BLESSINGS" by Laura Story. These are some of the lyrics:
We pray for blessings, we pray for peace, comfort for family, protection while we sleep. We pray for healing, for prosperity. We pray for you're mighty hand to ease our suffering... What if you're blessings come through raindrops? What if You're healing comes through tears? What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you're near? What if trials of this life are You're Mercies in Disguise?

When friends betray us, when darkness seems to win we know the pain reminds this heart that this is not, this is not OUR HOME!

Here is a link to this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOOFAaUGfRE take a minute just to listen to the lyrics because I am pretty sure that I am not the only one who has had hard times come and seen how the outcome of them can be the biggest blessings in life! :)

Dinner in Dallas! at El Fenix.. the best Mexican resteraunt ever :)

All the girls :)

Happy New Year....Goodbye 2011, and Hello 2012 :)
