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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Focusing on the road ahead!

Hello, I know its been a while since my last update. Things have been extremely hectic for me but good news, the first week of school and practice is over with... YAY!!!

I'm so glad its over!

I really don't even know what exactly to say on here. I've been just a little blah lately... Or rather a lot blah! When life seems to not be going the way I want, I tend to focus on the negatives which makes the whole week seem like it was just not a great week at all, but I really want to focus on the good parts of the week so in helping me do that I want to just list a few!

My blessings:

-I have an amazing family who supports me and is always there for me.

-I have the most amazing friends who help me through all kinds of crap :)

- I am attending a university and have everything paid for.

- I get to play softball with an amazing group of girls... Go Langston Lions :)

- I have at least one friend in each of my classes.

- I'm ALIVE!!!

- and most importantly I have the Lord my Savior and his love is greater than EVERYTHING!!

Another plus that I didn't list is that I learn a lesson in every trial I face in life! I've been learning a lot lately and I have a feeling that the next few months are probably going to be the HARDEST months! I know God works everything out for the GOOD of those who trust him, but not going to lie I find it so incredibly hard to focus on how this is a good plan! Throughout the day I try and keep my mind occupied with other things, hang with friends, really anything that will distract me from facing the hurting and pain, and as I sit here tonight I realized I spent the day trying to figure out ways to keep me occupied that I missed the easiest, and best way, trusting and turning to the ONLY ONE who knows what's best for me. Did you catch that last part? Let me restate that... WHAT IS BEST FOR ME! I know nothing... And therefore I have no clue what is best for me in the long run and therefore need to look at the situation through the goggles of the BIG PICTURE!

It's so easy for me to just shut the door, its what I want to do right now more than anything is just shut the door, delete, and punch a wall, scream, cry, and do everything again. I've done all that before, the last time I felt this broken, I shut the door and turned to everything except the one I should have turned to, the one who knows my path! I learned a lesson last time, that my strength comes from God!

Proverbs 31:25 says

She is clothed with strength and dignity;

she can laugh at the days to come.

Although my heart is aching more than ever, I know that I am clothed with strength from the mightiest of mighty and that He knows what's BEST for me!

I want to encourage everyone who strugglings with the same thing I do, don't take the easy way out and react with anger and bitterness, no matter how hurt you are, take the harder road and forgive and trust God. We all broke his heart, and continue to break his heart everyday, but he forgives and loves us still. He is amazing! So forgive, and love, and when you feel weak just take a minute and pray! 

And no matter how tough things are, there are always positive blessings ln life to be thankful for :)


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Anonymous said...

Love ya, Lissa! I'm going home tomorrow for a week. Think you can squeeze a coffee date or lunch or something into your busy schedule?

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