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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day #1.... saying goodbye

So today was the day I said goodbye to Oklahoma, and all my family and friends!
Seems like today just crept up on me, I was just thinking how far away this semester seemed and now I'm I find myself sitting in the Atlanta, Georgia Airport drinking a cup of coffee as I wait for my flight! Boy has it been a rollercoaster today! Saying goodbye was a lot harder than I thought it would be...yes I did cry, for those who were wondering!
After arriving in Atlanta I found out my flight to Amsterdam was delayed 3 hours and therefore I would miss my connecting flight Thursday morning and set me back until not arriving in Wales until Friday. After a couple of hours of standing in line, phone calls and prayer I was re-routed and will leave here at 9:35pm and arrive in Dublin at 10:30 am tomorrow morning, and then fly to Cardiff that afternoon. I am so thankful they were able to get all that worked out and an extra bonus I got some free meal tickets :) can't pass up free food :)
Although saying bye was one of the hardest things, I have gotten a comfort and peace inside now that I am so thankful for. I am excited and ready to start my journey! :)
I would appreciate all of your prayers that the rest of the trip goes smoothly and my luggage ends up at my destination :D hehe that would be bad lol


Proverbs 31:25
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Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that you updated! And I love that you're excited and peaceful and comfortable!!! And I love that they gave you free meal tickets...although I think they should give you some free frequent flyer miles or something too.
Think you'll be able to get out and see a bit of Dublin? It's a super cool city. Praying for you, Lissa! <3

tera said...

You are in Dublin as I comment here...so cool! And I'm so thankful you have a peace...and I'm so thankful you have THE best traveling companion accompanying you ALL the time!!! He's so great! =)

 The Morris Family said...

Praying for you!!! I did throughout the night, I wasn't sleeping well, thinking of you!! can't wait to see pics!!! I think I know whose gonna be bored....Lije!! Ha!!

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